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Everyone can apply for National Housing properties. Applying for a property does not mean that you are guaranteed to be offered one. It means that you are listed for the property and offered only when available and if not then put on the waiting list.
You must fill in a Property Application form in order to be offered a property. You can get the application form here: Application Form or from our Customer Care Centre or Head office. We can also send a form to you if you request us via email:
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All applications are assessed and It is important that you provide all the required proof we need. If your application is incomplete, or it doesn’t include supporting information such as proof of identity or nationality, we will either write to you and give you a specific period of days to provide the information or reject your application. We will close your application if the extra information we have requested is not received within the given days.
It is important that you tell us about any change in your application details as this may affect further communication from us. To do this you must contact us via email: or visit the Customer Care Center and request that your details be amended.
Yes, you can choose a property from any one of the available estates.
Yes, you can apply for as many properties as you wish.
The property will be offered to the person who applied for it first on fulfilling the purchase conditions. If they reject it, it will be offered to the next person on the waiting list.
You can view the properties from our Customer Care Center at Crested Towers in Kampala or the Head Office on 7th Street, Industrial Area.
If you have submitted all required documents, you will receive a reply on your application in a period of 2 weeks.
Yes as long as the project is not yet complete

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